Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Bad Habits

 Recently, I found myself in a familiar place. A place where complacency is the norm. It started to get to my thinking and depression sat in. Although I'm not out of the woods yet, I started setting goals again. I achieved a few and got myself back on track.

It's easy to be comfortable and miserable in your routine. We have to think then act outside of the box. I always say, it's never too late to start. No matter your age. Find your passion and take that first step. Make a list of fifty goals that you would like to accomplish and the put a number beside them, representing the number of years it might take to complete. 

Read a positive book. Learn something new. You might have to do some research and watch some YouTube videos. If it makes you a better person today than you were yesterday, you will be the winner.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

It's not too late

When we were small children and were asked what are dreams were, there were a wide variety of answers. Some wanted to be doctors or astronauts or even the president of the United States. As we got older, those dreams died. Society, friends and family have told us that we should not dream. We should get a job for 40 years, retire and ride off into the sunset.
We still have that passion and we need to look deep inside our hearts and find it. It's not too late to chase the dreams we once had. What do you dream about doing if money were not an object? I have several dreams and I have turned those dreams into goals. Goals make me take action. There is nothing wrong with having a job but if you see yourself doing something else, follow that passion.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Let's get Started

Everyone started from somewhere. I have heard that quote before. Also, start with what you got and where you are at. Right now is kind of a crazy time, due to the pandemic. Your first step is to see what you want to do. There are different things out there along with books that have many ideas for a start-up. Mine was easy and it was also a passion.
I listen to Dan Miller/48 days podcast. He has many suggestions and ideas. You can find him on most podcast apps. My choice of preference is Podcast Republic.
One reason for starting this blog was my love for success stories and the paths people took to get where they are.
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? You be the next Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Mark Cuban.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

My Heroes

Growing up, my heroes were athletes, rock stars and movie stars. I was into sports and entertainment up to a few years ago. That is when my taste changed.
Now days, my heroes are Dan Miller, Dave Ramsey, Jim Rohn and Art Williams, just to name a few. My thinking has changed and I have a new philosophy and outlook on life. Getting out of debt, being better than the person I was yesterday and growing a business seems to be more important than who won the big game. Of course, as a big Cubs fan, I did watch the 2016 World Series.
These new heroes I have, showed me a way of thinking that changed a life of wasting the talents I have. I now have passions for my business, prison ministry and family. Not necessarily in that order. Everyone needs a life coach, whether virtual or a close friend that keeps us accountable.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

This is where the journey begins

Growing up, I always wanted to be a business owner and had an entrepreneurial mind. I would have these ideas and sometimes came to the conclusion they were silly. The thing is, they should have been written down and saved for later. At least to reflect on. As I got older, I worked as a DJ and eventually had my own business. I worked in factories, warehouses and retail. I always seemed bored as time went by.
I met my friend Dan while working at a Christian bookstore, part-time. He told me about an opportunity and introduced me to a man named Dean, who was full-time and successful in this business. After I was presented with the opportunity, I realized my passion and what I wanted to do. This is a story to get the reader to find his or her passion and chase it. I want to take you on a journey, that I have embarked on and see if there is a common interest in chasing our dreams. I am further than square one but will start over with the things I did.
My attitude has changed from the day I met these men and the opportunity that was presented to me. I hope you can dream big and find your passion.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

First Step

It's been a while since I wrote. I have always tried to stay motivated and move up. I fell in to the routine of work, come home, eat supper and go to bed. I know that I can start today. One of the things that kept me going was listening to podcasts, Dave Ramsey,  Dan Miller, Tony Robbins etc. Today is the first step. Success starts here!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Day One

Day one starts today! Everything in the past is just that. We need to remember not to look back, that is not where we are going. I'm sure you heard the phrase, today is the first day of the rest of your life. Those words ring true. Today is a good day to start that business, start reading the bible, write the novel you have always wanted to write.
The most expensive land in this world is not oil fields in the middle east or the diamond mines in Africa, it is the graveyard. This is where all the good ideas go to die. The novels that didn't get written, the songs that were never written and all of the other great ideas to start a business, invent something and leave a legacy.